Dear Friends,
Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM – 11 PM is IC STEM Academy’s Annual Casino Night, featuring: CASINO GAMES, DINNER, DANCING, SILENT AUCTION and FUN!
Hors d’oeuvres will be provided from 6:30-8:30 and the night’s dresscode is formal but not black tie. In our smaller VIP tent we’ll feature Red Carpet drink specialties: Smoked Old-Fashioned, Kentucky Mule, Champagne inspired drink called the Golden Glamour, and the final drink called the Roselia.
Over the years Immaculate Conception STEM Academy has been blessed to partner with many generous donors that have contributed to the success of our fundraisers. Your gift goes beyond financial support. It also confirms your dedication to education and preparing our children for the future.
IC STEM Academy provides an outstanding education for our students and will continue to do so with your support. Fundraisers like our RED CARPET EVENT Casino/Auction enables us to provide the students from our community with the tools to remain competitive as they progress through their academic careers.
Each year, the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) organizes various activities and fundraisers to benefit the children. Our events provide a sense of community among families and new friends while raising monies for school improvements. Our annual events generate a great deal of fun and exposure to our wonderful school.
To sponsor or donate to our premier event please contact the school office: (626) 358-5129. To purchase tickets please contact the office or CLICK HERE to order online. Thank you and God bless!