
Dear IC Family,

Congratulations on a job well done to our PTO, Room Parents, Monte Carlo Committee, Volunteers and Parents!  What a great party we had last weekend. So much fun and we earned money for our school too. THANK YOU for all your participation.

March is packed with important dates. PLEASE post the March school calendar and refer to it regularly.  There are a series of grade level parent meetings scheduled.  This will give us an informal opportunity to meet the other parents in the class, share a potluck and create a plan that will best meet the needs of our IC Family.  Please do not miss your meeting.

To retain the 2015-2016 school year tuition prices pay the $250.00 non-refundable Family Fee by March 15, 2016.  Families registering beginning March 16 will be subject to rate increases.

We have many opportunities to eat at local restaurants and earn money for IC. These are optional and fun. The local businesses welcome our support and every bit helps.  Tonight Is Blaze Pizza,  3/11 Something Healthy and on 3/30 stop by Cabrerras (all day long) and mention IC.

Our Spring Boutique will be on March 13 in addition to our Monthly Family Mass. If you know interested vendors, please invite them to contact our school office or visit our website for more info. In lieu of the pancake breakfast, we will be hosting a delicious Mexican breakfast following our mass.

We are very proud of our Academic Decathletes that are studying so hard in preparation for the Academic Decathlon on Sunday, March 13. Please keep our students in your prayers.

It is all of our responsibility to Safeguard the Children.  ALL parents that want to help in the classroom or chaperone field trips are required to attend this important class and be fingerprinted.  It brings a great sense of peace knowing that all those that work with our students are committed to their well-being.  Immaculate Conception School is offering the Virtus class on March 16 from 6-9PM.  Fingerprint appointments are available all day. Please call Mrs. Gutierrez in the School office to make your appointment.

SPIRIT STICKS are on sale now in the school office. Add to your collection! $1.00 each.

Ask the kids they know what I am taking about

Support the Carmelite Sisters on their Hayden 5K Run, Saturday, March 12. Visit www.Hayden5k.com for more information. Besides the race there will be vendors, entertainment food & games.


Where did your child go to preschool? Can you go back and invite the students to our First Grade Information Night for New Families? On Wednesday, March 23rd at 7PM we will have  evening dedicated to first grade parents new to our school for 2016-2017. Please help us spread the word. Stop by the office for some flyers.  Invite all your friends to join the IC Family. Thank you in advance.

AVON orders are due March 9. Every $40 sales in products earns one service hour.  Extra brochures are in the school office.

GO BLUE! Join us for Catholic Schools Night at Dodger Stadium. Tickets are $18 each. Place your order by March 24 for the game on Friday, April 29.  Open to all friends and family.

Track Coach Needed

Can you help us with our eager track team? We need multiple volunteers to provide this sport for our students. Call the office immediately if you can volunteer


The Holy Year of Mercy calls us to experience a true pilgrimage of spiritual conversion, with prayer and sacrifice, in which special indulgences are available to all who seek them by visiting the pilgrimage churches in the Archdiocese, praying for the pope, attending confession and receiving the Eucharist.

On March 4-5, we will join Catholics around the world in observing “24 hours for the Lord.” Select parishes in each of our pastoral regions will be open for 24 hours for round-the-clock adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and opportunity for confession.

It is an incredible blessing that our very own Immaculate Conception Church has been chosen. We are truly on holy ground.

Please keep these petitions in your prayers

  • In appreciation for our blessings and successful Monte Carlo Night
  • For increased enrollment
  • For our 8th graders as they receive their High School acceptance notifications.
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