
September 8, 2015

Back to School blessings to all our IC Families

With great enthusiasm and hope we begin our 2015-2016 school year. Welcome to all our returning and new families. It was a joy to see so many of you at our Back to School Open House.

We welcome back our veteran faculty  & staff: Mrs. Centeno for the Intermediate grades , Ms. Judy Hernandez for  Jr. High math and science and TK/K assistant & Mrs. Trevino as TK/K Assistant.  We also welcome to the IC Faculty and Staff Mrs. Berg as our Jr. High Language Arts teacher and Vice-Principal and Mrs. Tamara Avitia for our primary grades.

This Friday, September 11 we will have our Back to School BBQ. The Knights of Columbus have generously supplied the burgers and hot dogs. Please let me know if you can donate ice cream or toppings for our sundae station. We will need help setting up and cleaning up. Please volunteer and earn service hours. E-mail me at clovano@icschoolmonrovia.org to let me know if you can help.

This year we will host a Parent Appreciation Dinner for the parents that donate above and beyond the required hours. Our school’s success depends on our parents. Please donate your time and energy generously. Our students will benefit and your children will learn by your example.

Before and after school care will begin tomorrow. Children that arrive before 7:45am must check in with Morning Daycare. It will be held in our art room. Mrs. Florence Grimaldi-Lygre will be in charge. Please do not send children to the office for morning daycare. After school care begins immediately after dismissal. All children that are not picked up on time will be sent to daycare and charged a drop in fee.

All students must be in class by 7:50 am. Any child arriving after 8 am is considered tardy. Multiple tardies are unacceptable. Students will serve detention and parents will meet with the principal if this becomes an issue. It is the parents’ responsibility to get our students to school on time and follow the uniform guidelines. The free dress privilege will be revoked for students that do not follow uniform guidelines including, shoes, socks, no nail polish, hair styles, etc.

Our TK/K class will dismiss at noon all week. Grades 1-8 will dismiss at 3pm.

We will have Early Dismissal every Monday at 1:45 pm.

Grades K- 8 will participate in standardized testing this week, so we can gather data that will determine how we can best serve our students.

Our family envelope is filled with very important information including emergency cards and information about the IC Back to School BBQ. Please take the time to review and return the necessary documents in the family envelope tomorrow, Wednesday, September 9. It is critical that we have emergency card information including the additional people authorized to pick up your child in the event of an emergency. Keep in mind that the school must be updated when any phone numbers, emails, addresses etc. change.

We will distribute a class email list with phone numbers and email addresses. If you prefer to not be included please let us know. We also are requesting permission to post your child’s picture on our website. Please return the enclosed form with your consent.

Walking Home Permission Slips or Permission to take medicine/Use of inhaler forms are available in the school office or online.

The L.A. Archdiocese has recommended a new lunch program. The lunch program will begin next week, so please provide lunch for your child this week and return the lunch order information ASAP.

Our two major fundraisers this year will be the festival in October and Monte Carlo Night.  We need everyone to help.

Throughout the school-year there will many opportunities for earning service hours for fundraising. AVON is an optional way to earn service hours. For every $40.00 of AVON products purchased you can earn one service hour. On average the school earns 40% of each purchase. Every month we will include one AVON brochure, please share with your friends and send in your prepaid order. The brochure will be included in the next envelope.

Living our faith at school is an extension from what is happening at home. Each month we will have a family mass. The students are to wear the dress uniform to proudly represent our school. Our first monthly family mass will be September 20 at 10:00am followed by Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast.

We invite all parents to be actively involved at our school. It is required by the L.A. Archdiocese that in order to volunteer in the classroom, attend field trips, coach sports, etc. you must attend Virtus Training and be fingerprinted. Dates and locations will be announced.

Please stay informed this year. I understand there is a lot of information, but we want you to be well informed so we can maintain an active and engaged IC community. Check the website at icschoolmonrovia.org or follow us on Facebook.


Many businesses give back to the community so we need to tap into these resources for opportunities for our school

  • Box Tops for Education are worth $$$. Please send them to school.
  • Register all your cards: Vons, Ralph’s, and Target. They will donate a percentage to our school.


  • Sept. 11 – School Picnic
  • Sept. 20 – Monthly Family Mass
  • Sept. 25 – Chuck E. Cheese night
  • Sept. 29 – Back to School Night


  • For our parish and school families
  • For increased enrollment
  • For our faculty and staff


God of wisdom and might,
We praise you for the wonder of our being, for mind, body and spirit.
Be with our children as they begin a new school year.
Bless them and their teachers and staff.
Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow;
Wisdom and knowledge to their minds as they search for understanding;
And peace and zeal to their hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Back to School Blessings,

Mrs. Lovano

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