
Immaculate Conception has a few staffing changes this year, we have one new teacher and three other teachers have just taken other grade levels assignments. First I would like to welcome the new teacher to staff, Ms. Shelly Davis will be in our Transitional Kindergarten Co-Director. Shelly has had over thirty years of experience with Pre-school through 1st grade she lives in Monrovia and is a valuable addition to our staff. Elaine Trevino who worked so tirelessly with our Transitional class last year will become the other Co-Director and brings the knowledge of our program from last year. These two teachers will form the foundation for Immaculate Conception as the beginning years for our young students. Next we have Mrs. Diane Torres who taught at Annunciation for many years will take over our Sixth Grade and Language Arts position in the Junior High Program. Diane has taught for over 15 years working at varies grade levels and has a many ideas to bring to the classroom. She worked last year part time with Mrs. Okerman and substituted many times for us last year. Lastly, Ms. Judith Hernandez will move back to Fifth Grade where she began last year but was moved to Transitional Kindergarten. Judy did a great job in Transitional but her real love is the middle grades and we can expect great things this year from her. All other staff members will stay in their positions from last as we make Immaculate Conception a stronger school.

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